What is the significance of edible oil storage? The ways to store edible oil and the application technology

Tech / Chat on line / Give me a price / Date:2019-02-14

The quality of oil storage will directly affect the length of shelf life and production economic benefits of edible oil. The essence of oil storage technology is to solve the problem of oxidative stability of edible oils.

cooking oilDifferent kinds of edible oil

The ways to store edible oil are different in different scale edible oil refinery plant. Usually, there are oil drums, oil tanks, oil pools. Strictly speaking, the sealed steel oil storage tank, equipped with cold and heat regulation, automatic temperature measurement, nitrogen filling and vacuum pumping system, is the best oil storage method used in large-scale edible oil refinery plant.

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Edible oil storage technology can be divided into three categories in principle: physical methods (low temperature, vacuum), chemical methods (plus antioxidants), and gas conditioning methods (nitrogen filling, plus oxygen scavengers).

If you want to set up a edible oil refinery plant, the complete edible oil refinery plant with oil storage tank can be designed by the engineers of Henan Doing Company. And the construction part of oil storage tank can be finished by us or by yourself. Please contact DOING Company if you are interested.

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