How to get palm olein and palm stearin through palm oil fractionation process?

Tech / Chat on line / Give me a price / Date:2021-01-28

After palm oil refining process, you can get RBD palm oil. Even though RBD palm oil has been qualified, it can still be further processed into palm olein and palm stearin. If you want to get these two products, that means you need learn about palm oil fractionation process.

rbd palm oilRBD palm oil is separated into two layers: liquid layer and solid layer

As you often seen, under the normal temperature, palm oil will be separated into two layers: liquid layer and solid layer, which is because of the different melting points of palm olein and palm stearin. So the aim of palm oil fractionation process is to separate the liquid and solid of palm oil. Generally, the palm oil fractionation process can be divided into three steps: heating, crystallization and filtration.

palm oil fractionation processPalm oil fractionation process flow chart

1. Heating: Heating is to break the crystals in palm oil, and then make the crystallization process more efficient.

2. Crystallization: Firstly, cool down the palm oil slowly to the fractionation temperature, which makes the crystals grow out and become larger gradually.

3. Filtration: Use membrane filtration machine to filter the crystalled palm oil. And then the palm olein will flow to soft fat tank, and palm stearin will be unloading from the plates. Finally, heat the palm stearin and pump them into stearin tank.

If you want to know the detailed introduction about palm oil fractionation process, please watch our 3d video: 

Besides, fractionation temperature is a very important point you need to know. Usually, there are two kinds: 24℃ and 18℃. That is to say that the palm olein will keep liquid if the outside temperature is above the fractionation temperature. So, if the fractionation temperature is 24℃, and your local temperature is above 24 ℃, the palm olein you got will keep liquid. When your local temperature is under 24 ℃, the palm olein you got will still be layered.

Do you want to set up a palm oil fractionation plant? Whether you have a palm oil refinery plant? Tell us your needs, and our engineers and project manager will give you some useful suggestions. Besides, about the palm oil refining and fractionation process, the engineers of Henan Doing Company can design for you. Welcome you to contact us!

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