What is the difference between physical refining and chemical refining of edible oil?

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Most people know the refining process of edible oil, but very few people know what are the refining methods of edible oil and what are the differences between different refining methods of edible oil. Don't worry, next Henan Glory Oils & Fats Engineering Co., Ltd will take you learn about the differences between different edible oil refining methods.

Edible oil refining is a relatively complex and flexible process. According to the characteristics of crude edible oil and different uses, edible oil refining methods can be divided into physical refining method and chemical refining method. Many customers don't know their difference clearly. Now, I will simply explain it.

1. The refining technology is different:

The physical refining of edible oil:

In the process of deacidification of edible oil, no alkali is added for deacidification. Both deacidification and deodorization are carried out in a deodorization tower. The aid and odours can be removed by high temperature steam distillation.

edible oil refining processEdible oil physiccal refining process flow chart

The chemical refining of edible oil:

Chemical refining means chemically removing FFA (acid-base neutralization). In edible oil refining process, it utilizes alkali liquor to neutralize the acid in crude oil.

edible oil refining processEdible oil chemical refining process flow chart

2. Different refining methods are suitable for different crude edible oil;

Physical refining method is suitable for edible oil with high acid value:

Physical refining method is mainly apply to the crude edible oil which has low phospholipid content and high acid value. It can reduce the loss of final edible oil and increase the added value of the product. (Like : crude palm oil, crude palm kernel oil and crude coconut oil and so on)

Chemical refining method is suitable for all the crude edible oil :

It can refine all of crude oil material, such as the vegetable oil and animal oil. As for whether to choose chemical refining mainly decided by the detailed requirements of customers.

edible oil refining machineThe chemical refining method of edible oil can process almost all the edible oil

The above is the main difference of physical refining and chemical refining of edible oil. Of course, the difference between physical refining and chemical refining of edible oil also involves other aspects, if you want to know, welcome to communicate with us.

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