There have differences in the physical and chemical properties of palm oil and palm kernel oil

Industry News / Chat on line / Give me a price / Date:Jan 02, 2015

There are great differences in palm oil and palm kernel oil physical and chemical properties. Oils and fats are made up mostly of triglycerides with some non-glyceridic materials in small or trace quantities. Difference in chemical composition reflect themselves in differences in physical properties as well. The differences between the two oil are as follows :
  Palm Oil (PO)   Palm Kernel Oil (PKO)
Chemical properties
PO consists mainly of palmitic acid C16:0 (43.7%), stearic acid C18:0 (4.4%), oleic acid C18:1 (39.9%) and linoleic acid C18:2 (10.3%)
Chemical Properties
PKO closely resembles coconut oil in its fatty acid (FA) composition. It has a higher content of shorter chain FA, lauric acid C12:0 (48%) and myristic acid C14:0 (16%) approx.
Minor components Minor components
Carotenoids: 500-700 ppm
Tocopherols/ tocotrienols: 600-1000 ppm 
Carotenoids: very low levels
Tocopherols/ tocotrienols: Tocopherols level similar to PO but only traces of tocotrienols
Average: 18 ppm
Palm oil has very low levels of cholesterol as similar to other vegetable oils. The value is even lower in RBD PO 
Average: 17 ppm
    2. Physical properties
Palm oil can be separated by physical processes into 2 fractions, i.e. solid (stearin) and liquid (olein)  
    2. Physical properties
In temperate climates, PKO is a sharp melting fat very suitable for confectionery and similar uses. PK stearin has physical properties very similar to cocoa butter and makes the best Cocoa Butter Substitute (CBS)

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