Biodiesel production from jatropha
Biodiesel can be made from any feedstock oil or fat, and the cost of the feedstock is the most important constituent in the economics of biodiesel production. Biodiesel production from jatropha becomes the most feasible method.
Comparing with other oil, jatropha is a wild growing hardy plant well adapted to harsh conditions of soil and climate. It is adapted to a wide range of climates and soils and can grow on almost any type of soil, even on the poorest stony soils and rock crevices. Its water requirement is extremely low and it can withstand long periods of drought by shedding most of its leaves to reduce transpiration losses.And the oil content is 25 – 30% in the seeds and 50 – 60% in the kernel. The oil contains 21% saturated fatty acids and 79% unsaturated fatty acids. There are some chemical elements in the seed which are poisonous and render the oil not appropriate for human consumption.
Following is a brief description of biodiesel from jatropha. If you want to know more about it,
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