What's the working principle of edible oil refinery equipment plant?
Tech / Chat on line / Give me a price / Date:May 07, 2016

Automatic edible oil refinery equipment plant
(1)Pump crude edible oil into refining tank and heat with conduction oil, and the temperature will reach about 70°C-80°C after one hour. Add acid or alkali to separate according to the acid value. After one hour's processing and 4-6hours deposit, then convey soap stock to storage tank.
(2)Pump refined oil into decoloring tank. When it is up to 90-110°C after one hour's heating, add clay into tank for 20min's processing. Then separate clay and oil with filter.
(3)Put decolorizing oil into deodorization tank with vacuum pump. Heat and process with steam for odor removal. After filtering, you will get final oil product.