In this month,Doing meeting had been held in a holiday center
DOING News / Chat on line / Give me a price / Date:Jan 02, 2014
After all of us at Doing of the joint efforts over a month, finally a good performance had been obtained. In order to make everyone better relax, the place where this month meeting Doing have is a holiday center in Zhengzhou, which has a hot spring, surfing, water entertainment, etc.
In the first day, we all could go to hot-spring, surf so as to we all had a good time and helped our body and mind relax. Let our heart rate slow.
After playing and relaxing, we had this month's meeting in the next day. At the meeting, all of us had spoken enthusiastically and analysis the problem in the work. so had got good effects.
Too many meeting are held in the meeting room, but this meeting made a change from the usual drab meeting rooms which united the serious meeting with entertainment.